Have you thought about taking one of our Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) trainings but want a bit more information? Are you confused about the three types of MHFA trainings? Do you want to know more about the curriculum and what is required to receive your Mental Health First Aider Certification before you commit? Have you wondered why CYD felt it was so important to offer these trainings in Bartholomew County? Do you want to know what others think about the program? Would you like to meet the facilitator before taking the course?
If so, Thursday, May 16th, is your chance to get these and any other questions you have answered! In honor of May being Mental Health Month, we will be hosting a Mental Health First Aid Information Session via Zoom, from 7:00 - 8:00 pm. This event is open to all interested community members.
This information session will be hosted by Allison Stidam, CYD Professional Development Coordinator and Adult, Youth, and Teen MHFA Certified Instructor, and will cover:
The three MHFA courses we offer.
Youth Mental Health First Aid (for Adults Assisting Children & Youth)
Teen Mental Health First Aid (for High School Students)
The purpose and history of MHFA.
The research and evidence behind the curriculum.
Support for MHFA and participant testimonials.
Why these trainings are so crucial for our community.
The format of the courses.
What participants learn and what materials are included.
Upcoming scheduled community trainings.
How to bring a MHFA training to your group or organization.
There will also be a time for questions. Registration is required to receive the Zoom link for this virtual session, which will be emailed to you prior to the event.